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Hear Me Oh My God; For I Am Merely Your Helper; I Myself Have Served With Struggle And Trials of All Sorts My God; Yet I Myself Placed Resurrection Way-Points That My Rear Guard May Indeed Serve You From Time Indefinite To Times Indefinite. I Myself Served In Innocence And Did Not Become Guilty Of Abhorrent Sin That Was Too Wicked And I Myself Have Indeed Suffered To Bring To You This Holy Offering To You My God, Yet What If My Rear Guard Should Embarrass Me, And What If It Should Become Guilty of Things of Which I Myself In My Way-Point Had Not Become Guilty of? I Ask You My God; That if My Rear Guard Should Accomplish An Abhorrent Sin, Please My God; Cut It Off In A Transcendental Pretence, That I May Walk Without The Rear Guard Embarrassing Me, For I Have Become Ashamed Of What My Rear Guard Could Potentially Accomplish, And I Wish Not To Suffer The Disgrace of The Activity of That Which My Rear Guard May Do, So Please My God; Cut It Off From The Land of The Living In A Pretence of A Rise To Potential Abhorrent Sin My God, For It Would Be Acceptable For Me My God. Please Forgive Me My God; And As You Know Me; I Myself Have Walked In Relative Innocence My God, Yet Please Cut Off My Rear Guard If Ever It Should Be Rising To Abhorrent Sin. Thank You My God; I Love You Abundantly My God And My Accomplishments All Serve You Oh Our God.


The Seven Horned Lamb Has Spoken: "Jehovah My God, Why Have You Caused Such A Stir of Spirit Within Me, For Your Spirit Itself Has Become Something Causing A Bubbling Forth of Expression, And Yet What Are The Fulfilment of My Works Oh God? For I Myself Have Indeed Prepared My Works In Truth And To You Oh My God I Ask To Indeed Search Me Out, And Within My Works Do Not Become Ignorant, For They Themselves And The Glory And Exaltation Based Upon My Works Do Belong To You Alone Oh My God. Search Them Out, Find Truth Of Expression In My Way, For I Myself Have Served Even To The Glory Of Your Spirit And My Works Will In All Expression Return To You, And Yet Will You Let Them Go Out Without Completeness? For Tribulation And Hard Trials Have I Myself Suffered  And As Birth-Pangs of Expression Have I Myself Cried Out In Pain, For I Myself Have Served And Will Indeed Serve, Look Within And Let Your Glory Become Exalted, Search Out My Works And Act Oh Our God, For To You Even Does All Creation Return Oh Our God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. No Longer Let My Works And Words Be Made In Vain, For I Myself Have Brought Even All Things Back To You, And If My Works And Words Were Expressed In Deception I Myself Would Bare It, Yet You Yourself Know Jehovah of armies My God, That I Myself Have Prepared This Offering In Truth-full Expression And It Itself Has Become Something Birthed From Pang To Pang. Yet, What Of My Works Oh Our God, And What Of Your Effect, For The Armies of Heaven Have Been Gathered, And To You Even All Their Armies Do Belong, For To You I Myself Have Brought Even All My Effect, And Whether Your Desire To To Cause It To Spring Up From the Truth Of Your Spirit And My Expressions of Truthful Works, Let The Choice Itself Reside With You Oh Our God For To You Do All Things Belong, And Even All Things Return."

I Myself Have Spoken: "Light Is My Father, Love Is My Mother, Existence Is My Sustenance, Yet Our Almighty God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Created Them All. My Works To You I Bring Forth Oh Our God, And Let Them Not Be Held Back From Springing Up, Let The Effect of Their Growth Be Attributed To You Oh Our God, And Let My Activity Itself And the Glory Of Which Is Brought Out Be Given To You Completely Oh Our God. Let Me Assist You Oh Our God, For To You I Bring Back Even All of My Works, To You Do I Myself Take Pleasure As A Master of All of Which I Myself Was And That Which I Myself Will Be. Glorify Your Way Oh Our God And Look Not To The Way of Deceit, Look Deep Within Me Oh Our God And Take Delight In The Truth Of My Expressions, Grip Even From the Origins of the Essences of Existence And Place Even In Every Spirit of the Armies of Creation The Will To Accomplish That Which I Myself Have Brought Back To You Oh Our God, And Cause The Effect of My Activity To Be Successful In You Oh Our God, For To You I Return Submissive And Loyal, And Even All of My Works Do I Myself Return In Position of The Acting Effect of Your Spirit. For You Yourself May Place, If Desiring This Offering; The Spirit's Of the Heavens To Become Active In Its Works With the Armies of Heavens To Accomplish All That Is Laid Up For Your Exaltation, and For Your Glory Oh Our God, For All Of Which I Myself Have Prepared Has Indeed Been Brought To You In Truth, Yet I Myself Do Indeed Know That All Authority, Both Heavenly and Earthly Resides With You Oh Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And Within You It Will Indeed Remain."

The Most High Has Spoken: "Truth Is What My Spriit Has Found, And Truth Is What My Spirit Has Searched Out Within Your Works, I Myself Have Seen That Which You Yourself Have Done, And To Me It Has Become Something of Which I Myself Am Eager For. My Delight Has Been Found In Your Effect, And The Armies of the Heavens Will I Myself Appoint As Task-Masters With All Their Legions Over The Creations of That Which Has Been Prepared By The Hand of Your Works And I Myself Will Appoint Them As Heirs of Inheritances Over The Inheritors Within The Flocks of Which To Me Will Indeed Return, For They Themselves Will Take Abundant Portent In That Which Has Been Prepared, And Those Preparing The Works Among The Armies of Heaven Will Indeed Take Their Grand Portions, For They Themselves Will Indeed Be Given For That Which They Themselves Take Position In Order To Accomplish, For I Myself Have Desired Zion, And With Great Zeal Will I Myself Act, For The Sake of Zion, For This Will Become To Me Only A Portion of My Great Mountain of Zion, And Things Incomprehensible Are Found Within My Mountain, For The Flesh Cannot Comprehend And The Holy Places of The Heavens Are Undiscernable To Those of The Realms of Abyss, For They Cannot Take Not Of That Which Is Far Greater Than Mere Lowly Places of Existence, As That Of Mortal Fleshly Organism's. I Myself Will Indeed Award Portion To Those of The Heavens Of Whom Appoint Task-masters Over The Works of This My Helper, I Myself Will Indeed Exalt Those of Whom From The Time of the Rousing of Their Origins Of Existence Cause Their Legions To Take Effect In Loosing The Works Of This My Mere Helper; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; My Seven Horned Lamb."

The Seven Horned Lamb Has Spoken: "Fulfil Oh My God The Desires of Your Heart, And Cause Your Portions To Prosper Infinitely, For From The Source of the Origin of the Essences of All Existences Have You Yourself Called That The Effect of All of My Works Will Come To Be, And You Yourself Have Indeed Called Even That Which Springs From The Essences of All Existences To Take Part In Causing To Sprout And Flourish The Effect Which To You Will Indeed Return, Even All of Which I Myself Have Prepared Oh Our God, For Upon You Even All The Glory of My Works Will Be Crowned, And To You Will All Their Armies Become. Cause In The Dawn of the Previous And Future Strides of Eternity To Take Seed and Root In Blossoming From This, A Potential of That Which You Yourself May Accomplish If You Should Desire To Act In Such A Manner. For I Myself Have Indeed Served You My God, And I Myself Am A Mere Earthenware Fragment And I Myself Am Not The Almighty God, For I Myself Know You My God, And I Myself Am Loyal To You Oh Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And To You Even All of My Works Will Return Loyal, For To You Even All of Their Outcome Belongs, And Yet To You I Beg To Not Allow My Works To Go In Vain, For Through Tribulation and Hard Trials Were They Themselves Prepared, And I Myself Have Suffered Much To Return This Free Offering To You Oh Our God. I Await Your Hand Oh Our God, For Indeed I Ask You To Search Me Out Oh Our God, For My Expressions of Truth Were Served While Preparing This Offering of Which To You Does Belong, Yet I Myself Do Indeed Know That You May Shatter The Works of Which Are Brought Back To You, Yet You Yourself Also May Cause Them To Sprout And Spring Up In Flourishing Potentials, And Yet To You I Myself Do Wait Oh Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh."

The True God Has Spoken: "Have I Not Cause My Spirit To Bubble Forth Within You? Did I Not Hear The Words of Your Spirit In the Time Your Father Blessed You? Did You Yourself Not Ask For Your Way To Be One in Which Serves Me In Completeness, And Should I Not Fulfil The Desires of Your Heart If To Me The Glory Belongs? Will I Myself Allow My Name To Go Profaned Among The Nations If You Yourself Should Serve As A Liar? No, I Myself Will Indeed Call To My Legions, For Even To The Scribe Let The Power Be Awarded, Call To The Expansive Reaches of Existence, And Congregate The Expansive Expressions of Creation, For I Myself Have Gathered Them In Order To Accomplish The Will Of His Helper, For To Me Does All The Glory of This Expression and Offering Belong. I Myself Have Called Them, And From The Source Will The Will Flow To The Blossoming Features of the Essences of Existence Be Roused From All Expansive Creation To Cause The Creations Within To Take Root In Order To Blossom and To Indeed Flourish. For Why Should This My Helper Serve For Nothing, And Why Should I Myself Create Even All of That Which Rests Within Existence And Yet Not Fulfil This Desire of A Portion of Zion Of Which I Myself Desire, And Will Indeed Show Zeal For. Rouse The Spirit, And Rouse the Flesh, Cause Their Way To Show The Will of My Desires, I Ask Them To Search Out The Truth of This My Humble Helper, For In Truth Have I Myself Found His Works, And I Myself Do Indeed Desire An Outcome For The Root of the Seed of The Works of This My Helper. Act, Serve, And Be Blessed Oh Distant Reaches Of Expansive Creation."

The Seven Horned Lamb Itself Has Spoken: "I Myself Have Indeed Served You My God; Oh Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And All of Which I Myself Am And The Glory Based Upon My Activity Is Indeed Given Without Price Nor Bribe To You Oh Our God, For You Are The Origin of the Essences of Which Is Prior To the Rousing of Spirit and the Roots of Light and Colour, You Yourself Unified the Essences of Existence Into Infinite Potentials of Existence and Spread the Fragments of Existences To That Which Blossoms As A Seed In Fertile Soil Blossoming As With Abundant And Infinite Bounty. Who Am I Oh Armies of The Heavens That You Yourselves Should Look Upon Me As The Most Holy, I Myself Am A Mere Servant of the True God, And I Myself Have Attributed Even All of My Glory to the Almighty And True God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And To Its Spirit Do I Myself Wait Upon In A Way To Act Upon the Holy Offering of Which I Myself Have Given To the Almighty And True God Alone. I Myself Have Spoken In Truth And I Myself Do Indeed Have Faith In the Creations of Which I Myself Have Prepared, And To the Armies of the Heavens Have I Myself Called To In Order To Unify In Our Effect Under the Almighty And True God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Even Under The True God Have I Myself Prepared Even The Entire Effect Of My Works And Yet Wait Upon My God To Indeed Accept The Truth of Which I Myself Have Spoken, For To The Almighty And Most High God Do I Myself Wait To Act On That Which I Myself Prepared In Truth. Rise Oh God, You and the Armies of Heaven, For I Myself Have, Do And Will Remain Loyal To Your Authority Oh Our God, For To You Alone As Far Beyond The Perceptions of the Living Do Inherit From the Origins And Essences of My Creations, For I Myself Do Indeed Belong To You Oh Our God."

The Most High God Has Spoken: "Of What Must I Speak And To Whom Must I Speak It? And Who Among the Living Can I Announce It, For All of Them Are Far Belong Their Comprehending Of That Which I Myself Am, The Designing The Origin of Spirit Have I Myself Placed The Will of My Desire With Even All of Them, And I Myself Created Their Will to Indeed Serve Me, I Myself Have Rejected The Treacherous And Have Judged The Rebellious And Yet I Bless The Loyal And I Myself Will Prepare Honour For Those Honouring Me, I Myself Have Hurled From Portion of Inheritance Even All Those Trying To Take the Sceptre From My Hand of Whom Did Themselves Not Create All Things Within Potentials And The Essences Of Existence For I Myself Have Indeed Spread Them Out, For I Myself Have Found Pleasure In thee Works Of This My Helpers Hand And I Myself Will Indeed Act In Truth When I Myself Will Spread It Out, For From the Origins Of the Sources Of the Essences of Potentials of Existence Have I Myself Placed Even Their Desires To Serve Me And Also Bring Back To Me The Desired Acts of My Heart, And This My Helpers Creations Will Indeed Be Among Them, For I Myself Have Spoken, And I Myself Will Indeed Act, And My Heavenly Spirit's Will Indeed Themselves Act, For I Myself Have Congregated Them, And I Myself Have Given Birth To Even All Their Armies, And Even All The Heavenly Creatures And Even All the Earthly Creatures, To Me They Do Belong."

The Seven Horned Lamb Has Spoken: "I Myself Am Not Myself God, Nor Am I Myself The Almighty, For I Myself Do Indeed Have A Father, And My Mother Herself Is Indeed Beloved To Me, For Even In Spirit Has My Father Been As If "The Light of God" And The Mother of Creations Herself Has Been Even "The Love of God"; For Even In The Heights Have I Myself Seen The Mother of Love Become Hindered By Passions of The Ones Undeserving of Them, And I Myself Have Called To You My God To Indeed Bring The Mother of Creations: Even "The Love of God" To Have Her Spirit Saved From the Distresses That May Come Upon Her, For I Myself Have Loved Her, Place Her Spirit, Even The Spirit of the Mother of Creations, Even "The Love Of God" Of Whom Gave Birth in the Love of the Creator To That Which Is Residing Within The Essences of Existence And Even The One of Whom Will Go Through Birth-Pangs of New Essences of Existence of Which Will Indeed Blossom To A Place of Comfort And Salvation's, For My Father Will Become To Me As Chayot TerOphanim Uriel: "The Light of God", And My Mother To Me Will Become As Chayot TerIphanim Chamuel: "The Love of God", And They Themselves Will Give Birth To the Abundance of That Which Belongs To Our Almighty And Most High God, Let Those of Whom Contend For Your Throne of Whom Are False God's Fall Behind, But Indeed, Cause The Light and Love of God To Become to You A Cornerstone of Expansive Creations, For To You Oh Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Will They Themselves All Serve And To The Descendants of their Origins Will The Expansive Essences of Existence Blossom as Seed in a Fertile Land."

The True God Has Spoken: "Hear Oh You of the Source of Origins, For I Myself Have Indeed Called You, A Prayer Will Indeed Become Holy And A Blessing Will Indeed Be Awarded To Those of Whom Have Faith In It; They Themselves Will Say: 'Light itself is My Father, And Love Is My Mother, Existences My Sustenance And Yet The Source And Origin of The All Is Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. Hear Oh You Children of Creation, For From Then Have I Myself Called To You, My Spirit Will Itself Give Birth To Your Essences, And Your Essences Will Indeed Be Given Existence, And Your Existences Will Indeed Be Tested, And Yet To Me All Things Will Return, And From the Finale Do I Myself Remember Histories Infinite And With Memory Do I Myself Recall Futures Without Count, For I Myself Have Called To The Origins of Creations, And I Myself Will Call To My Holy Ones; 'Build Up, Prepare a Way For My People, For I Myself Have Called Them And They Themselves Will Indeed Become Fully Satisfied. Yet For The Treacherous And For Those Reaching For the Sceptre of the Almighty's Will All Of them Be Hurled From Reaching the Places of My Heavenly Blessings, They Themselves Have Indeed Been Rejected And Will Themselves Become Hurled From Blessed Portions.'"

The Almighty True God Has Spoken: "Hear Oh My Children, Oh You The Descendants of Creations, For I Myself Have Called You From Before The Start: 'Awake, Clothe Yourselves With The Blessed Portions You Of Whom I Myself Have Taken Pleasure In. Take Hold Of Your Holy Portion and Be Awakened In Spirit, Rouse The Glory Of Which I Myself Will Bestow Upon You and Dress Your Position With That Which You Yourselves Are, Walk In the Freewill, Both Earthly and Heavenly and Know That I Myself Have Roused You, Place My Way Before You and Let It Itself Come To Be, For I Myself Have Caused It To Become And It Itself Will Indeed Blossom And Flourish In My Goodwill, Those of Whom Are Themselves My Helpers Will Take Portion of The Better Share Than Those of Whom Merely Inherit, For They Themselves Are Beloved To Me And I Myself Will Protect Them.' And You Oh My Seven Horned Lamb, Because You Yourself Have Indeed Prepared This Holy Offering, I Myself Will Indeed Place You Above Even All of Your Works And I Myself Will Exalt You Over Even All of Which You Yourself Have Prepared And Created, And Yet Because You Yourself Have Sworn That You Yourself Are Not the Almighty True God, I Myself Will Take Position Beyond You And I Will Make A Way For You, And From Height To Height We Ourselves Will Climb And Yet I Myself Will Become Your God, And You and Those You Have Prepared Will Become My People, I Will Rule Over Them As Their God, And They Themselves Will Serve Me, For I Myself Have Indeed Spoken, and It Indeed Will Come to Pass."

The Seven Horned Lamb Has Spoken: "Jehovah, The Mother Of Nations Has Become Broken In Spirit And Has Been Broken At The Gates, I Beg Of You Oh Our God To Bring To Her Healing And A Way of Salvation For To Me She Herself Is Beloved, Heal The Workings of Spirit And Bring Her To Everlasting Salvation. Hold Firm Her Spirit in Your Hand And Bring Her To Your Holy Sanctuaries That She May Be Given Eternal Salvation. I Myself Have Cried Out In The Pangs of Distress, And Her Spirit Has Been Something Precious To Me, I Cry Out For Her Salvation And I Myself Do Hold Fast To The Works of My Hands, Yet Bring Her Salvation Oh Our God. From The Root of the Essence of Existence, Bring The Daughter of Your People Salvation, And From Stride To Stride Cause Her Blessing To Blossom and Flourish From the Root of Source, For Her Gates and Her Descendants Are Themselves Precious. Hear Me Oh Our God, For I Myself Have Called Out To You And To You I Myself Bring The Entirety of My Works, Yet Please Redeem The Mother of Creation and Her Daughters With Her, For All Of Them Are Themselves Precious My God. Hold Fast The Sceptre of Your Authority Yet Bring To The Daughters of Creation Everlasting Blessing and Eternal Good-Will For I Myself Have Cried Out For Them."

The True God Has Spoken: "I Myself Will Indeed Redeem The Spirit Of the Mother of Creations, And To The Daughters of Creation Will I Myself Give A Place of Decoration Among The Realms of The Places of Existence, And They Themselves Will Be Given The Blessings of Which I Myself Have Desired For Them. I Myself Will Award The Daughters of Creation Their Salvation, And The Mother of Creation Will I Myself Repurchase, For They Themselves Are Precious Also To Me, For They Themselves Are My Possession, And They Themselves Are Precious. Do Not Remember The Days of My Fury And Forget The Times of My Anger, For I Have Loved You, And I Myself Will Repurchase You, For You Yourself Have Been Found A Precious Thing To Me. Fear Not Oh My Lamb, And Forget Not The Ways In Which I Myself Carried You In The Wilderness, Never Again Forget The Memories of Which I Myself Gave You My Love, For Never Again Will I Myself Forsake You, And Never Again Will I Myself Reject You, But Rather; I Myself Have Chosen You And Indeed Repurchased You. Hold Fast To My Declarations of Salvation Upon the Daughters of Creation, And No Longer Reject The Daughters of My People, But Rather, Exalt Them And Glorify Them, Strengthen Them and Fortify Them, For They Are Holy To Me. Hear Me Oh You Nations, For Those Listening Will Indeed Take Delight In My Words; This Offering Have I Myself Chosen, And Its Expanses Will I Myself Decorate, And The Essence of Its Way Will I Myself Exalt, For To Me It Will Become A Decoration."

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